Every year lakh of students passes out from different streams of every bachelor’s degree and master degree. But in that lakh of students, some thousands of students are getting job due to lack of knowledge in industries.
Due to unemployed, some people will move from tech to non tech careers and jobs in which they can’t play well. If students will get job also, many organisations will remove some due to not competent enough to do the desired task. To overcome this, internship will be done by students.
In today’s world every organisation is looking for the candidates with experience. If a student is fresh out of college, employers expect some kind of experience in the field for which student is applying. And the only way to get good profession experience is by internship.
Many things that students will learn in college is theoretical knowledge. Students will have less or no idea of practical application of their theory knowledge. So, internship will help to test their classroom knowledge in real life situations.
In many colleges, they have started to give credits for doing an internship. They have made it mandatory for students to complete at least one internship as a part of their academic curriculum. So, students will do the internship to get a good credit in their academic result.
Some internships are paid internships that means students will get some extra pocket money. Students could easily cover out their travel expenses with that money.
By having an internship reference letter in student’s resume, will help them to get a good job or to explore opportunities in their placement cell.
Internship will help students to learn from their mistake during their training period. So, students can get suggestions from their mentors to correct those mistakes. Internship will help them to know their strength and weakness in respective working fields.
Internship will work as a trial-and-error method for students. Internship will help them to explore the career path which they have chosen for themselves. Sometimes it happens that files which they have choosen for themselves will be more exciting initially, but later on they won’t find any interest in that job.
They can move to other jobs in their interest, as there will be multiple options are available for them. It helps to choose their goals in which they are passionate about and to choose a company in which they are interested to work.
Internship will help them to learn professional ethics and workplace ethics. They will be able to do own decisions with respect to what is right and wrong in any work. They will learn how to behave either their senior colleagues and junior colleagues.
Internship helps students to learn how a professional place operates. Internship helps students learn all about work culture, team work, employee relations, leadership qualities which will make them easier to work in their first professional job.
Internship helps students to make network with professionals. Networking with professionals will really help students for their recommendation or reference in the job field.
And they can share their ideas with each other to share their knowledge and experience. Internship is a big opportunity to make a strong network with professional people.