Off page SEO is a technique that is used to improve the position of a website in the search engine results page. Many people united off-page SEO with link building but it is not only that. Usually, off Page SEO has to do with promotion methods – besides website design –for the purpose of ranking a website higher in the search results.
Link building techniques are most important for the websites and per the research even Google has said that the #1 ranking is gained with the link building techniques, or it is very hard to gain to the no 1 ranking for the websites without the Link building techniques.
The link building techniques is just the process of connecting other websites back to your websites which is called as backlinks. You will have to make sure to have the backlinks from the good websites or that might affect your website as well.
So if someone has added the backlink to your website then the Google will think that the website is worthy of the quality content and that will help you get the more visibility and will definitely help you gain more traffic and will boost the website to a good ranking.
Page authority predicts the likelihood of a single page to rank well, regardless of its content. It’s a score developed by Moz that figures out how well a specific page will rank on search engine result pages. Page Authority scores range from 1 to 100, with higher scores correlative to a greater ability to rank.
It’s a score created by Moz that figures out how well a website will rank on internet searcher result pages. Space Authority scores run from 1 to 100, with higher scores comparing to a more rough capacity to rank.
Spam Score is a part of the Mozscape API. New metric to measure penalization risk. It will check the spam rate of a particular website. High spam score means the website is spammy and can be penalized anytime. So you should stay away from such spammy sites. It’s good if the spam score is less than.
For checking all this parameters you can use the tool Moz, Click here to find Moz extension.
Dofollow links are links that count as points, pushing SEO link and boosting the page rank of the linked-to sites, helping them go higher in the search engine result pages as a result.
A no follow link is a link which is not counted as a point in the page’s favor. It does not boost PageRank and doesn’t help a page’s placement in the search engine result pages.
Yes, there are many tools to submit the URL of the website to the directories, you can select any of the directories and use them to submit the website URL to the directories which will create the backlink. It will take some time for the directories to approve and those backlinks are used by the search engines to improve the ranking of the website.
Yes, the social bookmark submission is one of the most important part of the off page SEO which will help the website get more visible, it is same as making the website visible in the social media. There are many social bookmarking websites you can log in to any of them and then you can log in to it and then post the website URL or any of the posts from the website and that will be visible to the views which will help you get more viewers and that will help you get more ranking to the website.
The article submission is the oldest SEO technique which has been followed and it is very important to the website, the content needs to be relevant to the business and as well as the information written needs to be original. The length of the article needs to be within 500 to 700 words, always give a unique title to the article which will make easy for the website crawlers to identify the topic. And it will automatically boost your website and get the good ranking for the website.
Yes, now the Guest blogging refers to the persons who write for the particular blog, where their name will be mentioned on the article as written by so and so. There are many websites where you can go ahead and write the quality contents to the website and promote your website which will also help you get more traffic to the website.
Yes, there are many tools online for the SlideShare submission, so basically what you can do is, you can reach out to online SlideShare tool where you can add the PPT or Doc or any kind of file in it and promote the website, the viewers might like your uploaded contents and get traffic to the website and that will boost your website and get it to the good rankings.
Yes, for the image submissions, you can either make the images displayed on your website or by posting them on the Image Submission Sites, there you can just create the website and then post the images of the websites with the proper description and Alt Tags, so that the people can view the images and that you can also add a link so that people can click on it and get to your website, that is the best way of promoting the website through Image submission sites.
As per the name the video submission sites is the sites where you can post your websites, videos. And the best one is, there are so many videos uploaded for the promotion purpose on it, you can make the video and post it on the Youtube and if the viewers like the videos your website will be viewed as well and that is the fastest way to get the ranking and boost your website.