List of Google Algorithms
Every Year, Google changing their algorithms some time minor changes and sometime major changes.
Google algorithm plays a very important rule in getting number one position in google search engine rank page (SERP). Google it’s updating their algorithms time to time for providing good result to each and every queries searching in google search engine.
Google has big history of algorithm changes and updates. It’s started updating from the year 2000 to till date. Every updates coming out with some new things
There are two types of penalty will affect to website first one manual penalty (link, unnatural link, low quality page and dummy pages) and second one is google algorithmic(Because of algorithm updates time to time) penalty.
Note: If you want to maintain always top position in google search result page means always keep in touch with each and every google algorithm updates.
- Make sure your website is responsive or not, if not covert your website to responsive for all devices.
- Implement SSL (https) for your domain.
- Keeps website loading speed less than 6 seconds
- Keep website structure always clean
- Content play important rule for getting good rank (Don’t keep duplicate content).
Ways of Avoiding Google Penalties
- Google Hummingbird :
Humming bird it focus more on context of search queries for proving good result based on search keywords.
Launch date: August 22, 2013
- Google Mobile Friendly :
Boosting the ranking of mobile friendly pages on mobile search result. Google boot test your website is Mobile friendly or not. If not mobile friendly it effects your SERP Rank.
Launch date : April 21, 2015
Test Your Website is Mobile Friendly :
- Google Panda :
Panda verifies duplicate content and low quality content of the website. If duplicate or low quality content found means it effects your search engine rank page (SERP) and it brings down your website.
Launch date: February 24, 2011
- Google Penguin :
It verifies internal and external links of back links if back links are not a quality one it effects your rank.
- Google Pigeon :
Pigeon impacts on Your Local SEO Result. Pigeon targets more on small business
Launch date: July 24, 2014
- Google Payday :
Removing a high Spam queries result from search result like payday loan, casinos, porn etc
- Google Pirate :
It takes cares of copyright violation content.
- Google EMD (Exact Match Domain) :
Stops ranking exacta match domain website similar to search keywords
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